@NRGZ First off A+ Rom, man been hating my buddy and his fuze till now.
Prior to this answer I asked about Remote Desktop Client, I attempted installing from cab because it was not included in this build and it just sits on connecting???? I have tried on other roms and has worked although I dont believe I have tried on any 6.5 roms as they all have had it.
Any chance you could shed some light on if it is a compatability with this SYS and thats why you did not include it? Thanks man.
Originally Posted by NRGZ
You just can't find it
Bingo! lol
Dude, I can't even beging to THINK of what might cause that problem. I mean you got a ****LOAD of cabs and apps installing. A lot of things that are already in the ROM! lol
Try trimming that down first... then see what causes it by installing them one by one MANUALLY!
Yeeeaah VZW's touch prol is.. umm... touchy. Guess I'll remove Verizon from the compatibility list. If any othe chefs want to chime in and give some insigt as to why this happens... I'd appreciate it. Other than that, I don't know why. I don't use .vm folders in my kitchen
Problem is a lot of developers don't think about other plugins having to run alongside with theirs and they don't develop it with THAT in mind. Titanium was never designed to be hacked the way we do here and XDA.... So any little thing can break it  If devs set some standards and adhered to it.. a world would be a better place (in titanium world anyway). lol