Originally Posted by twe90kid
man im disappointed with the windows build. the newer windows build screws with wmp streaming while suspended. i cant seem to keep wmp playing in suspend for more than 3 mins. this problem never ezisted in reborn, only in new sys builds and mighty5.
looks like im reverting back again
I don't know if these builds have this app built in or not, but if they have nueDynamicClock cooked in, that has been known to cause some issues with wmp streaming while in standby because it drops the clock speed to 19.20MHz while in standby to save battery power.
This can, however, be customized. Go into your system settings, and right near the "memory" icon, you'll see a new icon for "processor" that actually opens nueDynamicClock, you can then customize the different speeds, or disable it all together. It's a great program for saving battery, but can cause some other issues.
Again, I don't know if these are in this rom, as I'm currently running another rom, but it's worth looking into!