Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen
JD so far i can only confirm one issue. when sending a new sms by pressing "compose" on the home screen, pressing the first initial of the person's name, a list will pop up. i hit enter to select the name that is highlighted and then pressing tab will not always take me to the entry box. the times when it hangs are the times when i think it messes up. what will happen is it will keep the person's name in teh To: field, but it will try to send it to some bogus number like 1. it will not give an error message, but when i go in and look at all of the message threads there is a thread to 1 with the message that was supposed to go to teh person i selected with an error saying it cannot be delivered. i am using the arcsoft you provided in teh beta rom.