Originally Posted by beeper
Google Navigator, I am alittle confused about the second part of your answer....I'm not sure the move to phone storage then back to memory card will solve the problem. I'm sure it's just me not understanding what you mean but how would that help?
I didn't really explain that great.
Put it this way,
you installed the program to the device,
therefore all of the registry entries that the program uses are created with the locations of the items on the device.
if you just cet and paste the program to the storage card,
then it doesn't change those registry locations.
Therefore when you go to run the item it will point to the previous location on the phone, and not the new one on the storage card.
Sktools allows you to move the programs to storage card, and it repoints the registry locations to the one on the storage card.
Did I explain it better this time? haha, I doubt it, but worth asking.