Re: 5-27-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-9 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21725]
Hey all! I gues I need to try this 2.9 version. 2.7 worked so well I had stopped updating. I cant wait to see the new system in action though.
Now for my one issue with the ROM. Glight is giving me fits! I know you wrote the settings into the ROM so we wouldnt have to mess with them, but to be honest those settings are not making full use of the battery saving potential glight offers(my opinion of course) I see you have the minimum backlight set to level 4. I tried to go in and reconfigure the settings and it bugs up the phone like crazy. Anything I change starts causing errors with glight and if I keep messing with it eventually the program stops running all together. After that trying to open the settings just give the error/quit pop up and the only way to fix it is to hard reset. Am I doing something wrong or is it because of the way you have it installed?