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Old 09-30-2007, 01:55 PM
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More information out today about the 800w. File under rumor/speculation:
Originally Posted by howiecam
Everyone will probably say I am making this up.. I don't have many posts, etc.

My friend is software engineer for pda software company. Tonight he showed me the treo 800w that will be released on Verizon b4 christmas... if it is not delayed as many verizon releases lately.

It Does have builtin wifi, looks a lot like centro, Does have a ringer switch, has neither athena or miniusb, but a NEW proprietary connector.
I hope that they change the connector to mini usb for the release, the connector was about the same size.

It was blue, lighter than the 750 and not mettalic or rubberized.

One thing I liked was the time bounced around the screen when the backlight was off so those of you that don't wear a watch can glance at the time.

I didn't type on it, but the keyboard was smaller yet didn't look Too small to have trouble typing.

No I have no pictures, But I did want to share my quick impressions.

Now I just hope that a GSM version comes out soon after.

Sounds legit to me...!
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