Originally Posted by muzicman82
Is anyone else having trouble with Opera randomly closing (crashing?) when viewing certain webpages?
One of them seems to be the Google Mobile page.
For instance: http://m.google.com/maps
The page loads then the browser immediately closes.
I'm currently using Build 090530 with the default kitchen options on a Sprint Touch Pro. I've tried with the default and higher and lower pagepool settings. Ideas?
If you look in the past few pages you'll see that it's a Flash-content-in-Opera issue(IE6 works well though).
Originally Posted by muzicman82
Also, I used HTC Weather Master Rhodium to add custom cities to the weather tab. This worked on earlier Juicy 7 builds. With this one, when I go to the weater tab, TouchFlo3D crashes and restarts itself. Help!
Don't forget that there is an entire thread dedicated to Weather Master Rhodium over at xda.
They recommend this as the standard solution for this issue:
-disable TouchFlo (possible shutdown&startup device for good measure)
-go to "\Application Data\HTC\databases" and delete the weather database file "forecast_cache.db"
-enable TouchFlo and you should be good to go.