Originally Posted by kabuk1
i felt much the same as you do when i first got my TP. im now running mightyrom reborn + the telus radio & im now very happy. i still dont get the battery life of my old mogul, but i now get at least double what i used to. i really recommend mightymike's roms, ive had reborn for about a month now & its very stable & quick. mightymike's are the only custom roms ive ever used for more than 2 days, if that tells you anything!
Yeah I tested out a few ROM's and the only one I have kept for more than 2 days is the Mighty ROM5. It is a little sexier than 4R3born in my opinion, and it is lightning fast for me!
One thing I did notice though, was when I used Lil Rico apps for the Mighty Rom, no matter which MR I was using, my device ran a bit slower, and was a bit laggy, but I dropped the apps and now it is very fast!
My battery life is fine. I have my back lights adjusted to 100%, but I have my emails push every 30minutes to keep it from using too much battery power! Give that a try?