Went to run the updater - - got the bootloader screen and plugged the PPC 6700 into the USB cable. Screen display switched to USB - - but the updater program could NOT find the device. Looked in the Windows Device Manager - - there was the PocketPC, but had a driver error listed. I downloaded the current Windows Mobile Device Manager, but that wouldn't install (Thanks Microsnot).
Of course - - I made the mistake of trying this from Winblows Blister (vista)
. Took the PPC over to my trusty old WinXP machine, connected it to the USB port, and the update ran just fine
Don't know if others have had this problem - just thought I'd mention it.
Also - - the whole thing transferred over USB 2 in about 3 mintues (much less than the 20 min listed on screen).
I'm looking forward to trying the new firmware.
Thanks !!!