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Old 05-31-2009, 01:51 AM
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Re: Omnia 910 for Verizon ... Radio Rom?

Well when I dial *611 it always connects me to Cricket. I want to get the phone reprogrammed to be on Verizon. I was told by a friend that I will need a different ROM besides just the OS rom. I have already downloaded and flashed my phone with the image: i910WM6.1.REV10.CC20.VZW.img using UMDL_OMNIA. The phone successfully updated the image to the phone, restarted and took me through the screen setup. When I try to dial *611, I am still presented with Crickets prompts. The weird thing is, if I dial *228, I will be presented with Crickets disconnected/suspended prompt, but if I dial *22800 I will be connected to Altels activation prompt. How come I can get to cricket and altels prompts but not verizons? Is the phone constantly picking up service from all services on the frequency like a WIFI card would on a computer? (each carrier having its own channel which can be identified by the carrier code?) or will I simply need to activate the phone through VZW customer support? I don't think that's how it works, but this is a different phone, and I've never experienced what I am experienced on any previous phones. I will still not be able to connect to their activation even after communicating with customer support...

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I am a bit confused, and just want to get the phone working for Verizon not Cricket... it is a Verizon phone, I used the verizon firmware, and the phone and all images in the OS say Verizon, not cricket, but I cannot shake the damn cricket service!

thank you