Originally Posted by Sporkman
not sure whats wrong with your phones but i got 2 full days of use with my phone before i needed a charge im talking 100's of txt 100's of pic's countless emails hours and hours of talk time Sprint nav Etc etc ! phone just died about 40 mins ago i finally had to charge it i was @ 3 % charge left lol PSYKI ! great freaking ROM
That's awesome dude, I wish I had your coverage! I still get about 12-16 hours depending on how much I use the phone. Then again I know for a fact I'm in a weird coverage zone, I must be between two towers because I get good reception but my phone is constantly turning the screen on as if it's re-associating with a cell tower. I have a charger in my car too which helps dramatically. Sadly I believe it when people (and the commercials) say Verizon has the best coverage, and I even live in downtown Seattle.