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Old 05-30-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: !Juicy / Mighty Roms Killed Data Connection!

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
yeah sometimes custom roms go bad. my phone was fine, and the next morning wouldnt connect to the web, when its all said and done, i had to re-lock and reflash a sprint rom, and then thru a couple hours of troubleshooting and testing, somehow the phone forgot its own MSL(NO MSL worked, not the device one, temporary one, even a ##786# wouldnt work), and I had to get a replacement. SO yes, sometimes custom roms can hose your baby
custom roms are not the cause of the problem. It's the user making a mistake. In your case, you probably ran the Update PRI or Update PRL program and it corrupted your pst settings. It is a common problem and threre is an easy fix. You just do ##786# - menu - reset like mentioned earlier in this thread and problem fixed. You didn't have to get a replacement from sprint. There's a whole thread about it here. Just FYI.
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