Originally Posted by elmariachi
How do you get an activesync connection at that point? Or do you just take the battery out and go into the bootloader manualy?
Thanks for the tip, I've been letting the shipped rom run through the costumization and everything!
K, manual bootloader works great after the tap here screen.
New question, is there a list of Sashimi reg code backups somewere you guys use? I would like to use sashimi to restore my email accounts, ringtone, (hopefuly) my list of programs under the TF3D Programs tab, and also possiblt my weather settings under the weather tab? that last one might be a stretch. Also maybe my favorite people tab under TF3D as well.
The V2.9 Rom seems to be running great so far. Thanks BearBonz!
Activesync connection happens automatically. No need to force bootloader. Just look to see the green connection icon in the tray of your PC.
I know that sashimi will run xml, so you can convert your rgu to xml. You can also cab your red edits, which is what I do sometimes.
Check out this thread:
EDIT: Sorry if that was too off-topic, Bonz.