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Old 05-30-2009, 08:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] <!-- Psyki 3 - Build 090528 --!> Custom Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1]

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
i'm sort of stuck in the middle of this one, on one side (for me) i got a ton of appointments a day so this helps, but i love the flipping animation of the clock and miss that, and the call history button wasnt really a nuasance, i could always just slide my finger up to see the rest of appointments, and on the other side (for my wife) she has no appointments at all so now if i flash this latest rom to her phone her home screen will be bare and unflipping and she probably won't remember that the clock is her call history, after thinking those over i think i'd rather have the flip clock back and original appointments/call history back, maybe u can map the manilla clock to say a cool lock program or something, i dunno, or g-alarm if ssmaho wouldnt mess up 10% of the time with errors, who knows if theres a solid solution, anyhow its up to you, great rom either way you take it
Frankly I think the home tab looks hot without any unnecessary text, it allows the background to come through in its full glory. But I'll package up a "fix" that restores the call history button and the flipping clock for you guys though (looking at you zayebis). Unfortunately there's no way around the "ssmaho messing up 10% of the time" error, it's just the nature of the beast. And I'm sorry but I just don't understand why anyone would rather have a broken-yet-mapped-to-galarm button over a functional worldclock-to-call history button *shrug*

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