Originally Posted by rileyd5
Howdy RSTG. Just wanted to check in and see how things are going! How's the Tpro rom series progressing? I been meaning to check it out lately. Are you liking 6.5 or do you prefer 6.1? take it easy.
Recovering from what the doctors say is "accute-burn-out" of being a work/flash-oholic... lol... There are plenty of chefs on board with super-qualified-kitchens on their HDD's for me to continue work myself sick. I discovered I just don't have the time. I am just taking it easy atm...I need some life, no more working 12 hour days, then 5 hours in a kitchen to keep up with the young whipper snappers on here. (No one inparticular, i'm just an old guy)
I think I have decided to stick with 6.1, and roll back into a role of assisting others with their aspirations to build their own roms and the other kitchen problems...And maybee keep a rom or 2 up to date when I have time...