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Old 05-30-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: !Juicy / Mighty Roms Killed Data Connection!

Just grab another phone and do *228, enter your TP's phone number and activate it (make sure your TP is off--pull the battery). You may be forwarded to Customer Support this way so do it via if you have a login. Wait about 5 minutes then activate your TP again using *228 yadda yadda. If you don't have data, do a OTA prograpping (*228 option 1 I think). If this is a Verizon phone, you'll be set to go. If not, you'll have the roaming triangle. There are Verizon PRL's floating around here that alter what tower codes so the phone thinks you're on the correct home network (basically, a Sprint phone has the PRI that points it to Sprint's towers as being home. Even if you flash to Verizon, the PRI hasn't been totally hacked yet so it'll still see Sprint as Home towers and Verizon as roaming. The PRL update here makes the ID's of the towers reverse--the Sprint towers have the code for Verizon (thus become roaming) and the Verizon get the code for Sprin (becoming home). Let me know if it works out for ya...fixed data issues on probably 10 TP's/Diamonds this way over the months.
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