Originally Posted by Trident
I started mine before inda did his, but his was good before mine finally worked.
I use his whenever I have an emergency (like last night when everything went to hell in a handbasket).
This latest one I just posted is pretty darn stable though... I'd really love to get some feedback from other users about what things still aren't working or need to be changed.
I'm about at the point where I don't think I'll mess with Rhodium again... until I get a Diamond2 or TP2. Titanium just works with all my software (PocketInformant8, particularly) without any mods or hacks. That alone is worth staying.
I really am not much for doing my own hacks, though I am capable of minor registry edits. I pick my rom based on stability and overall look. I always liked MightyMike's compact feel, with smaller icons and more on a page. Inda's has that feel for me on 6.5, where Mighty's currently does not. I have not gone back to any of Juicy's since discovering Mighty, because I cannot stomach being that close to the edge!
Anyway, you should add some more screen shots, maybe you'll get more of us to try it sooner. It sounds good, but not seeing more of it up front makes it a little more daunting, I think.