PolloLoco: I added the new SDHC drivers to a new build about three days ago and have had no issues with my 2gig non sdhc card. I am still waiting to test an sdhc so I am running on the word of others that it is working for sdhc at this point. I had read about the standard cards disapearing and wanted to test just this and so far I have not had any issues with mine disapering and have not had any issues so far. As to WM5storage, I have this in pr8 and it is working with the new drivers. I was able to plug it into my laptop (that does not have activesync) and activate wm5storage. The laptop saw it as a new drive and I was able to access and play a movie off the device.
If there are issues that do crop up, I will release without the new drivers. Right now I prefer to keep it in if all is working as I would like to see the PR8 match my R8 as close as possible for troubleshooting and support. For the record, I am running a 2gig kingston card (NON SDHC) for the testing. Not sure about the Java version to support youtube. The java incuded is Esmertec Jeodek Buil 20061013. I did not include the older TCPMP that supports youtube but did incude the support file are needed in the event that one was to load it themselves. This way at least those files are already in the rom.
If anyone has an SDHC card known to work and want to verify this is working in pr8 (both the card and wm5storage) pm me with your email (and post a note to the thread)and I will get you the build for test. This would not be a beta build. If its working for SDHC and I do not see errors with a non SDHC card, it will be the release build of the ROM.