Originally Posted by Eclipsi01
In the V3 beta, I noticed with Bluetooth on, there is no indication that it is on. No icon at the top, nothing.
That is something else I have noticed on several roms recently , No BT icon. If you have a handsfree connected you see the icon but there is no "BT" icon by itself.
Originally Posted by tbone2000
Actually, I'm having some strange data connection issues which I never had on any of your other roms. I did Hard Reset but it's not helping, so, I would LOVE to try your newest in hopes that it sorts some of the issues. I'll keep my eye on the site for the new release.
Also, hope the finals are going well.
I also have data issues with v3 where it constantly tells me the cannot conect for unknown reason of that that user name password is incorrect. I fyou got to the com panel you'll see that data is switched off and cannot be slid on, the only way to get is on again is to swith the 'phone' switch off and wait a few then switch back on and the data switches back on with it..... nb though.
Originally Posted by YouMayLose
ibmx..been running the rom you emailed me since u emailed it to me now and have noticed that I cant recive pic messages (mms) what ever.. I'm on metro pcs just so you no.. I'm not sure if its gonna be a problem for all 6.5 roms or not as this is the 1st 6.5 rom i've kept for this long... most pic messages I get are joke type or random boobs of the day stuff that dont matter..but an ex sent me 1 last night of her umm **insert imagination here** and I wasnt able to get it lol so I may have no choice but go back to 6.1 in order to get messages like that hehe
You'll have to forward the message to me and I'll see what I can do
Originally Posted by bloodlife916
with people sitting here waiting for this rom (best rom out) not kool to talk **** about the people trying to make this avail for us
I dont think and ill intentions were meant , nobody was talking in asterisk....
MR DEMOLTION I am eagerly awaiting this new build, hows it looking bro?? What else did I miss while I was gone? Good to have the finals behind you!!