Originally Posted by watzone69
I popped the 21725 SYS from indagroove's kitchen into this one and got amazing results. 116 MB of free space after putting all of my crap on there is awesome! I'm calling it my "CapnGrooveROM".
I do miss the HTC dialer though. I tried adding the PhoneCanvas OEM but it gives me the error about the cprog.exe in the temp\dump folder being a directory instead of a file. What do I need to add, delete or edit?
Thanks (both of you) for a great kitchen!
Which groove kitchen version ([052809] is latest), and which PhoneCanvas OEM?
The latest kitchen has cprog.exe in the OEM base, and usually it's in the sys. I did that because it fixed the corrupt contacts list when scroll down in phonecanvas bug, and I didn't want to forget about it in future sys builds.
If that's the case, delete the cprog.exe folder from the sys. The same goes for tpcutil.dll.