Originally Posted by cmhgreg
I am interested in hearing some more feedback about this battery, but my understanding is that you do not need a new door when using this battery (nor does it come with one). The Mugen 3600 comes with a new door, but not the 1800 (based on what I have read on other sites).
You don't need a new door with the 1800. But frankly given my 2 other stock palm batteries the Mugen is the worse performer of the 3. The mugen ran down in unscientific testing/use about 10-20% faster compared to the best of my 2 stock batteries. The mugen was comparable to the other stock battery. This was even after sever charge cycles to let the battery get conditioned. There are similar experiences over at Treocentral. IO chalked it up to a loss and just use the good stock battery now.