Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn
iam glad you like it but please report any problems you have as i really don't use it for long term i am a flash hollic always building with new stuff haha but usually the longest is 4 to 5 days on one ROM so let me know and also any opnions on what a new release should or should not have would be great to.
LOL I'm flash alcoholic too
Admitting it is 1st step towards recovery!
Found a small bug in build 21725 TF3D2
YouTube: the clip list will not scroll down.
It will play the first 4 videos no problems, just cant scroll down the list to play the rest.
Also, there is no volume indicator displayed while watching video and adjusting vol. (not sure if this was intentional)
Fixed the problem by installing Tech1 6.5 21xYx Youtube cab. (posted below)
I'm sticking with it for a few days and test all my apps on it.
Nice work.