Originally Posted by DjKringe
Ok,,,so I have tried no less than ten different roms. I honestly can say that I am about to go straight back to the Sprint stock rom because,well because it frickin works. i got no keyboard lag on it. My apps work on it and, after battery regedets and other random regedits it just frickin works. Every rom I try has some frickin error. Keyboard retardation, small arse keyboard, picture album not doing what it should...i mean come one. How bout we just have a rom that has everything working just as it should? Until then don't even bother releasing one! Do this to fix this. Download this cab to fix this....how about: here is a rom that addresses all issues and requires no cab to fix basic *** ****? sorry if it seems I am bitter but damn!,...what an absolute waste of my fricking time...if it works....well i have been an idiot to change it...call me when you have something that works completely...no lag...no bs...seriously. And if ya think I'm a jerk...well get over it.....get me a rom that works straight out the gate with ZERO issues...until then....screw the roms
The chefs work very hard and spend immense amounts of time to provide a FREE alternative to your stock ROM. Here's an idea, do a search for "kitchen", and get started making your "all things miraculously working exactly the way YOU want it" ROM.
I understand that you are angry that the chefs aren't psychic. I mean, how dare they not know exactly what YOU want to have on your phone?
I eagerly await the release of your ROM. I'm sure that it will be amazing.