Originally Posted by Ron M
thanks for responding any one with the htc logo in top left corner color icons.i tryed installing copton goliax theme by copton witch has those things but only some of it worked.
get the tsowen3v1.4 taskbar. blue icons, and htc start menu logo. I was trying to attach them, but for some reason I'm not able to today. Everything is in this thread. install the sdkcerts.cab first, then the tsowen3v1.4. if u want the battery to show 1% increments instead of the 10% install nuePowerDriverDiamond-100.cab. searc the foruma for threads started by Tsowen, when you see the custom icon thread look to the right and there will be a little "files" in the corner. click that and it will bring up a windows with all files from the thread. get those 3 files, install in order, soft reset, and youre done.