Originally Posted by magron
just curious -- in RSS hub, is there any way to enable finger-scrolling when you read a message?
Talking about RSS hub, anyone know where the settings might lay in case I want to copy them over to Sashimi?
I use these reg entries in my Sashimi\Auto\Reg Folder
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ilium Software\RSS Hub]
"ChannelFilePath"="\\Storage Card\\Program Files\\RSS Hub\\ChannelData\\Channels.opml"
-My reg export has the "Options" entry as well, though I think these 2 might be all you need.
Just export what you have with your fav reg editor. (don't forget...If you have sashimi, you can use the fdcSoftTaskmanager, in the Bin folder, to export single entries. RescoReg makes you export the whole folder/key.)