Originally Posted by sonysw
I have the same phone. I try this, it shows the favorites as star folder with only 2 links myspace and facebook. Not the rest of the links. I even already delete the myspace and facebook on the opera, so it must point to the wrong folder.
If your opera favorites arent available goto:
HKLM\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Internet\FavoritesOpera
Change: Inactive = 1
Inactive = 0 will disable/hide
If Inactive doesnt exist, just create new DWORD Inactive = 1
Changing Index will change the order the shortcuts are displayed.
You can also enable/disable other Internet tab content in:
HKLM\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Internet
I hope this wasnt posted already...I searched Opera in this thread.
I've tried this but still no joy. The only things that show up for Opera Favorites are "Facebook" and "MySpace".