Originally Posted by syscrasher13
I guess I might have mistaken i meant to say that I like how these menus look. (Old.png) as opposed to the ones in this rom (new.png) i like how the old ones look is what i meant.
We gotcha. You also posted about it a couple days ago in post #1400.
We completely understand what you are saying... however, Gadgetfreak is spot on with his reply above. He is expanding upon my original reply to you in post #1402, when I said that they "went out with 6.1". 6.5 has it's own "menu enchancements" built in. I don't know if those HTC menu enhancements will even work on 6.5 because I haven't tried and don't have any plans to... sorry. I understand that you prefer them, however I plan to stick with the newer 6.5 enchancements.
I am guessing that your next question will be as to whether you can get them in a cab. The answer is yes, I think so... I have no idea if it will work over the new menus, but you are welcome to explore this on your own by searching the forum and applying whatever cabs you might find. If it doesn't work, however, I don't support it in any way... sorry.