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Old 05-28-2009, 03:08 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by digiblur View Post
Same here... I can't see those little lines on the blue globe, especially while I'm outside.
i know htcleener made a more readable data set just for tsowens tb's. maybe its over in the 6.1 thread, but i thought he was using those in his updated versions.
but search the 6.1 thread 4 htcleener + data, or similar and im sure you'll find it then just edit/ switch them out following instructions on the 1st 2 posts of both 6.1 an 6.5 tb threads.

edit: check post 5 or 688 in 6.1 tb thread for the changed data active/inactive. i'm not sure if theres a difference in the dll compared 2 6.5, so i dont know if you can just swap them out but those are the icons, you can at least attempt it yourself. hope that helps
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Last edited by kjhadfield; 05-28-2009 at 03:25 AM.
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