Re: 5-27-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-9 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21725]
I have updated the first post with the download link for version 2.9.
The sys has been updated to 21725. Thanks to Indagroove for the sys. It is working quite well and I like it better than 21234, which I had some glitchy problems with.
I do have MyPhone working, but I don't have Messenger fixed yet. It will be fixed as soon as I can.
I did have to flash back to shipped while testing this version, but that does not indicate, in any way, that you will have to... just don't forget that if you are having weirdness that you probably should. Instructions are in the FAQ.
Lurkers... leave me some feedback please... the more specific the better. I always like to hear that you dig the rom, but tell me also what you like, so that I can use your feedback for ideas for future versions.
I hope you all enjoy the new version... have fun.