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Old 05-27-2009, 10:06 PM
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the World Watcher
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strra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIPstrra is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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data connect sound after installing wmwifirouter

*EDIT* this was about the data connection sound that starts after you install wmwifirouter but i figured out how to turn it off seconds after i posted. it's in sounds/notificiations... really didn't expect it to be there so mods, please delete this thread if you'd like
LG Optimus S

Last edited by strra; 05-27-2009 at 10:10 PM.
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