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Old 09-27-2007, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by wood View Post
That sounds pretty cool.

Here are some questions I have about the potential of patching the spl, allowing custom roms:

1) How much improvement do you estimate being able to install custom roms will create versus the stock rom? Like a percentage of sorts- improvement in performance could be over 50% . If you know what I mean. I know that the answer all depends on the actual custom rom you install as well as many other variables. I am just curious as to the potential of custom roms basically....

I would think that once the custom rom's get going, their will be rom's optimized for performance. I know on my old 6700 most of the custom rom's ran significantly better than the stock rom. Some of the reasons they run better are because all of the new AKU releases are incorporated into the custom rom's. Htc or sprint won't update the device enough to include all of those. For example on the 6700, I think the latest AKU release directly from sprint was 2.2 iirc. Custom rom's go up to AKU 3.5. That in and of itself makes the device run better.
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