Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon
I'm a sprint tech but I also do sales so I'll answer your questions quickly.
That 24.99 SERO does not include navi or unlimited txt.
Also, almost anyone has some sort of relation to a credit union or utility co-op(whether it be personal or business) which makes almost any person eligable for 15% monthly discounts right off the bat. Not to mention there are TONS of businesses that allow individual accounts with employee discounts
u work at sprint but yet ur answer is wrong. SERO accounts have unlimited free texting and data. the account is not transferrable tho. Also these accounts were phazed out by sprint and the New Employee Pricing plans were introduced. They are more expensive but they include gps and tv. But if you call in you will not find a rep who will transfer the service for you. unless u get extremely lucky. they will kindly transfer the service but u will find that u have a regular plan