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Old 05-26-2009, 05:45 PM
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread

Phone is the Sprint Mogul/Titian HTC 6800
SERO Unlimited Plan
Windows Mobile 6.1
Stock ROM and Radio: 3.56.651.0 and 3.42.02 respectively
Twitter app clients recommend best ?

All versions of the below software were the latest I could find
for my phone or the limits of my phone such as .NET 2 framework etc.

Have tried the following:

good: easy to use and clean interface
bad: sound notification doesn't work and periodically caused the sound to fail
requiring soft reset. Turned off sound notification, fixed latter. Send a twitpic
did not work either even though it show the amount of bit supposedly uploading.
recommend: only if just interested in reading or updating tweets with no pics
or notifications.

good: handsome interface, nice scrolling, options
bad: 'Login unsuccessful' always happened so I never got to use the app except
searching, which worked nicely.
recommend: not if I can't login...would really like to use it though...darn it!

good: tasteful interface, themes, options
bad: sound notification didn't work, turned it off, froze phone a couple of times,
then backlight started coming on intermittently by itself, one shell crash.
Kept PowerSMS for now though - same company.
recommend: want to but can't because the phone just didn't like it enough.

Yahoo! New Beat Mobile with Social Pulse:
good: it's part of their app nothing to download
bad: very scripty, takes a while to get to so it's a bit slow.
recomend: yes, if you're not in a hurry and have unlimited data internet plans.

Gonna try one of the others, non browser or Java hopefully.

==== Update 2009-05-27 ====

PockeTwit v: 0.74
good: nice interface, notifications - twitpic - gps seems to work, causes no clunkiness in the phone
bad: takes a few minutes to get use to , may be a problem updating if logged into twitter on another
computer at same time: not tested enough though
recommend: yes! Only been running app for a day but ran it for several hours last night
with no problems or freezing of the phone. Ran Web browser and other software including
5 minute email updates for 2 accounts. I will update if freezing or cluckiness starts to happen.

Last edited by bC6; 05-27-2009 at 05:20 PM.
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