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Old 09-27-2007, 01:45 PM
BMR6700's Avatar
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BMR6700 is a n00b
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Originally Posted by JBabey View Post
yes we can fix keypads, we can actually fix every single part on the phone except the motherboard, and motherboard damage voids repair work.

Our store in socal still has a fukton of parts for repairs on this handset because we harvest every handset we end up replacing that has useable parts.

seriously guys, dont sabatoge your phones, that makes you a scumbag and a cheat, the phone is only $289 anyways (SERO upgrade).

every customer that walks in w/ a 6700 that even remotely appears to be "fishing" for the upgrade gets a repair or i send them an hour away to our sister stores that have 6700's in stock still. If you have a legitimate issue, and we can DUPLICATE that issue, hell yes well upgrade you, our goal is of course to keep you in the same model, but that simply isnt feasable right now or anytime in the foreseeable future. Having shitbags sabatoge their handsets on purpose (at least one or two a day) makes baby jesus cry, and inevitably hurts everyone in the end. And when we get them to admit they did it on purpose we void their phone, note the account... and then they go tell everyone that we suck balls. You figure the rest out.

to summarize this entire thread
-yes we are out of 6700 replacement stock
-yes we are upgrading into recon and then new 6800 replacements
-when the warehouse has 6700 recon stock we use it first (we have to) but its extremely limited and rare
-shitbags and sabateurs get voided for being scum
-if your phone breaks, cross your fingers, your odds of getting "lucky" are high
I hope what you said is true. I just payed $55 to my local sprint repair shop because my 6700 refuses to dial out. It will just sit there saying dialing, but will never connect. Also can't stop it, end buttons do nothing. Have to do soft resets hoping the phone will work when it boots back up.

CSR told me I'd be getting a reconditioned 6700. Won't be mad if I do, I really just want a phone that works.
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