Originally Posted by lsantos0907
I think it is a waste of time to use 6.5 with rhodium at this time since even the dialer has some conflicts with it not to mention other bugs that just make rhodium and graphics slow and buggy. All cooks should concentrate their efforts in cooking a near perfect 6.1 rhodium with additional featutes and or themes. 6.1 is very very stable and fast. That is my humble opinion.
I did a poll prior to switching to 6.5, to give people a chance to voice their opinions about whether they were in favor of a switch. Since I switched to 6.5 I have become quite happy with it, so it is no longer really up for debate.
I think if you look in the Diamond general forum, or possibly software forum, though there are probably several 6.1 vs. 6.5 threads you could jump in on if you really want to.