Originally Posted by cshep
Groovy. I am truly impressed by the speed and stability of this rom. Starmans Roms have been very, very stable. My concern was memory consumption with StarRoms which always increased to about 75-80% over a 24 hour peroid. It had a slight impact on performance over time. Your Rom seems to have given me better system speed without the sluggishness that sometimes happen with wmG5 and my memory useage has been at 56% for about three hours now with all the same programs running that can and do use memory. Contact Card is a groovy little feature but not system necessary. Thanks for your quick response to my questions and observations.
no problem and hey to help decrease memory usage i put in the tools folder a cleanram just run it and it takes maybe a min tops and recovers alot of mem, mine was at 55% and i ran it and put me down to 44%