05-25-2009, 10:36 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Re: .RSTG Custom Sprint Rom - TF3D Tweaked & Loaded - v3.7.05 + Kitchen 5/14/09
Originally Posted by rileyd5
if you are referring to changing the pagepool. then you need to do the following. Download rstg rom, extract it to your desktop. then when you open the folder, there is a pagepool changer icon, select it. on the next screen hit Select on the right side by of the rom file screen. Then pick the nbh file of RSTG, hit open. on the next screen, under Pagepool size, Mb, select the whole part area and change the pagepool to a higher number. for RSTG roms, it should say 6, but you can change it to 12 or 16 if you want. once you select another figure, hit Change to, to confirm the pp change. you are done.
Is there a picture I can see to help?