Star Rom 2.0 Vs. SSS 0117
Star Rom 2.0 Vs. SSS 0117
SSS is a very stable rom that never gave me any lag when doing any process what-so-ever. The main strong points of the rom are speed, service, and stability. Well those three S’s making the rom what it is named today truly live up to the truth. I enjoyed this rom and never had any troubles with it besides battery life going a little quicker than most but still not horrible.
Speed: This sucker is just fast all around including through TocuhFlo 3D-2 and normal operations.
Stability: I never had one crash in over 3 days of use on this rom. (hang-ups from time to time but nothing bad)
Service: You press the button and its there…… (enough said)
Volume: Did notice that the volume was a little flakey and would work sometimes when pressing the vol up and down keys but than at other times it would be unresponsive. The overall sound you get from this rom is loud and clear when working correctly.
Boot-Up: The boot up time on this rom was a little longer than some of the others I have used in the past but still isn’t bad…. Just gets frustrating when you have to wait longer with it in your hands why you have to wait for it to reboot when walking down the street or something.
Out Of The Box: right after flashing this rom you will notice there isn’t much added but some added. I understand the rom developers also have to make these roms suitable as something they would use since they are building but having instant messengers and Sirius radio installed right off the bat kind of kills it for me since I don’t use either program.
Memory: even after loading it up with all my goodies including mobile shell 3.0, various apps and games, and of course some tweaks here in there the device was still doing good with low ram consumption even with other processes running in the background.
Keyboard: the keyboard speed using the slideout keyboard is phenomenal the way it is right after flash… lags occasionally if you are doing a lot of typing very fast but is right up there in the fastest keyboard response times in a custom rom that I have seen.
Battery Life: the battery life on this rom leaves some room for improvement. It is the worse that I have tried but it does consume a lot of the battery especially when making a phone call.
Overall- Overall I have to admit this is going to be a hard rom to beat once more of the smaller bugs are worked out of it since I know many users are having troubles with the device hard resetting itself (which may be caused by a certain radio number) and draining battery quickly, but with those changes made and the normal updates Deck and the SSS rom are going to be a force to reckon with in the future
·Added programs that all may not use
·Users having trouble with device hard resetting itself
·Boot time a little slow after soft reset
·Touchflo cooked in and no second option for a touchflo less rom.
·Battery drains quick especially when in call
Star Rom 2.0
What more can we stay about starman and the star rom series for the touch pro. The roms are always smooth, quick, responsive, and do what they are supposed to do effectively. The new version 2.0 that he has released of course comes with touchflo or without depending on your likings of UI (user interface) I myself flashed the titanium only version and have been running for about 24 hours now with great results. Ive decided to steer away from mobile shell for a little bit and get a different outlook on my device, so with that said I decided to go and use WAD (Wisbar Advance Desktop) I use WAD as my primary UI and than have titanium aka windows default always running in the background so changes are quick and easy. So lets see how these compare.
Speed: The speed as any that have used any of the star releases know the device is extremely fast and responsive. Over the time I have been running the star release I have noticed that the rom doesn’t start to noticeably lag until I had 7 different applications open and running in the background which is great for a power user of my device for not only my day to day life but for my work schedule. Cant go wrong when you don’t see much of the wait icon
Stability: I haven’t had one crash or lock up in my time and that includes not only setting up the device but also WAD. At one time I had 10 different programs running in the background and it didn’t seem to bother it much at all and made it through even though a little slower than usual.
Service- Starman (enough said)
Volume: in this new release the volume meters are the old school wm 6.1 look that’s cascades from the taskbar when clicked. I would have loved to see a different battery meter with a little bit of flash added to it. The overall volume in the device is amazing with this rom… I thought SSS was good until I went back to star. The difference is easy to tell, with star all conversations are crystal clear and the alerts you have set also do the same and can be very loud if wanted!!
Bootup: the bootup time on the device is fast and I have no complaints what-so-ever. I can soft reset and be up and going with both titanium and WAD loaded and ready to go.
Out Of The Box: out of the box you pretty much have a bare rom besides the very nifty nue tools which are great and I feel a must. I love how its your world with the two different rom releases with and without touchflo. You can add and get rid of a UI if you don’t want it which is nice since if you’re like me I like to change my UI and what im looking at often so it doesn’t get old.
Memory: the memory on this rom is amazing. I am running both titanium and WAD at the same time and the memory consumption is still low. Couldn’t ask for much more if you ask me.
Keyboard: the keyboard response time with the slide out qwerty keyboard is pretty quick… I had to make some adjustments for it to keep up with my typing on it but nothing major.
Battery Life: the battery life on this rom is amazing. I started with a fresh battery before the flash, I flashed the rom, installed all apps and got the setting the way I wanted, did some talking and texting, and messed around with WAD for a couple hours minimum in the setup process and amazingly im still at 45% battery life!
Overall: I knew what I was pretty much walking into since I have ran many of the past star releases in the past but Im still blown away at the changes made and how much better the rom run than the last 1.7 version. (props on that) I have had a great experience thus far with your rom and cant wait to update to the newest version.
·Volume meter from 6.1
·6.5 lock removed and 6.1 added in its place
·Keyboard a little slow and laggy at times