Sorry for the slow reply, had a few friends in town for the holidays, so havent really had that much time this weekend so far. Good news so far, x0118 is just about ready, i am just finishing the skinning of the taskbar. I am having a problem tho, i can change every icon up there without a problem, except when it comes to the Ev icon. I cannot find where to change that for the life of me. I have googled, searched here and xda, and every post that explains it is talking about older versions of wm i guessing because IT DOES NOT WORK. As you could see when you try to install a tsowen taskbar. i WILL tackle this someway or another. As soon as i do, i will release v0118. Im going to hit some more .dlls... be back soon.
wmwifirouter seems to cause problems with wm6.5. When i have more information on it, i will post