4 gig card huh? mine has never read a 4 gig card, even stock. /weird
Originally Posted by ojgsxr6
Also usually after running these then starting them up, it will run through the verizon customization stuff. It didn't do it this time.
hard reset 2 or 3 times if this is your first run-through, seems to have helped many in the past.
the customizations are built into the ROM, if you wanted to keep them you would have needed to run the GENERIC, the generic only flashes the operating system, the full verizon one flashes the operating system, the radio, and the ext.rom (customizations).
if after a few hard resets, youre still having issues, i would be surprised but you can always just flash back the stock VZ, or flash your stock back on, and grab the generic flash and install that.
optionally, you can just pull the ext.rom file from the stock flash and then burn the generic.