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Old 05-22-2009, 09:49 PM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

Originally Posted by edufur View Post
So when will we see 21232? It seems it is popping up everywhere else. I am wondering what the difference is in 232 over 231. Also, seems that no matter what I do to tweak KB lag, a rom with this kitchen still has laggy keyboard when messaging. I have been able to tweak out this problem with most roms. Cant seem to resolve on this one. Could 232 be the answer?
As for the KB lag, try removing the Outlook Enhancements. It seemed to work in my ROM, and frankly I can't even tell what outlook enhancements did anyway. Supposedly they add the ability to select multiple messages but I can do that without the enhancements...

It's worth testing out though! I seriously haven't had keyboard lag in psykirom in quite a while.

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