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Old 05-22-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.19.09] MightyROM 4R3BORN & MightyROM5 [NEW BETA's AVAILABLE!]

Originally Posted by Stoney60 View Post
I had never used that tweak before (didn't have to). I just knew that my battery was draining faster than before and when I checked the data connection, it was on and had to be turned off manually. That's what I thought, but doesn't email and weather panel use the phone connection to update? Or is that one and the same?
I'm not exactly sure. I assumed they used the data connection. Maybe somebody else here could clarify that for us. I'm not sure if you have done this yet or not, but I would also recommend removing the opera key from bootlauncher in the registry. That seems to improve battery life as well.
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