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Old 05-22-2009, 05:29 AM
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Re: Copper v. [6.5.21500 Build 21500] [16MBPP] [UC Compatible]

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
FYI Guys,
Copper is roughly around 3000+ Downloads!
Never thought it would be as successful as it was. Definitely nice seeing everyone still rockin' in this thread
While I think that they did a fantastic job on this base, I could really care less if Mighty and Juicy stoped reading the Copper forum, pissed on each others phones, and burned the source code. it is a good thing that edufur, Juicy, and Mighty are not the only people who have used this ROM. There are over 3000 other people out there who have downloaded the ROM who may have the answers I am looking for. To those 3000+, if you can assist it would be appreciated!

1 - Windows media player will not add my songs from the memory card to the library. I get an error that windows cannot find the file after it scans and says they have been added. Any suggestions on an alternate application?

2 - Can someone point me in the right direction on how to add/change links on the home screen? I was able to add the weather and the fav contacts, but I want to change favorites from IE to OPERA, change music from Windows mobile to alternate program?

3 - Is there a Kitchen that has Copper in it?
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Last edited by neudof; 05-22-2009 at 05:56 AM.
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