Originally Posted by Buehlar
( I know this thread is for posting a new ROM release only, but I thought it would better serve the community as a whole by posting it here.
Moderators, if you disagree, then by all means move this poll to it's proper place.)
So, you knew it was against the rules and still you posted your thread here.
Lately it is really getting to me how less and less people bother to read and to post in the correct sections of the forum.
Threads asking for help, polls, etc, are not needed in this section. It is clearly stated in the sticky at the top:
ONLY start threads in the Upgrade forums that are to release a ROM, Kitchen, or Radio.
Sorry for my little rant but it is annoying to visit this subforum to find if there are new releases or what has been updated to find lots of threads asking for help and now a poll for the question that has only been asked a million times.
It is ok to ask for help, and to make polls and whatever else... I will be the first to try to help with the little knowledge I have... Just please, post in the right section.