Originally Posted by Mystery
I thought I had found the registry that did this but I was wrong. Then I PM'ed Calkulin and he told me which registry to delete under Generic Carrier to make this work but I'm still gonna keep my ROM Sprint Specific for a few reasons.
Here is the registry he told me to:
<characteristic type="HKLM\nls">
<parm name="DefaultLCID" datatype="integer" value="4105"/>
You just need to find the number that "United States" is and replace it with "4105"
Wow, thanks so much! And thanks to Calkulin too!
So, I tested out the registry change and it worked as promised. I also found a list of official language codes here:
Careful to scroll down to the Language section. U.S. code is 1033.
One more thing. In the same HKLM\nls section of the registry, there's a key named SystemLCID. In my case it was set to the same number as DefaultLCID; however, I tested it out and changing DefaultLCID did the trick. I also tried changing both of them and didn't notice any difference. Go figure!
Anyway, thanks again for tracking this down!