Originally Posted by boxer112
Thanks for the update JMZTaylor.
Does the flash in opera suppose to work? Mine is not working.
The Youtube App is cool(First time I tried it).Too bad its not VGA.And Its Slow.
The Scrolling in the system is very smooth. Fastest 6.5 i have tried so far.
Thanks Again
Yeah I am working on the Opera issue. The Youtube app was just a replacement until I can get the real Youtube working right.
Originally Posted by kadukuchelu
I have issues when I try to launch the audio booster and another app it tells me that it has no trusted cert and that I need to reinstall it. The only other issue I have is I am becoming a flashing Ho. I know you cant do anything for the last part but I know your genuis mind has a fix for the first part. and also when I install showac all backgroun cab the clock only flips down halLf way help please with this issue. thank you in advance.
Yes there are a few broken links, currently looking into it now.
Originally Posted by boxer112
I don't know if it's a bug.. I've only been using V3.0 since it came out. But for the last two day I have probably restarted my phone eight times. It keeps saying "Cannot connect for unknow reason" If I restart my phone it would work for a couple of hours...then if I try again in a couple of hours. It wouldn't connect. the only fix I have found is just restarting my phone..
Everything is working. Loving the 6.5...But I hate restarting my phone twice a day.
Like I said yesterday..This is by far the best 6.5 Rom I have tried. I can even run Wisbar(WAD 2) without no lag. Check out my iphone theme.
I had my phone running for about 13 hours yesterday. Please check the apps you installed as I never had this issue before.
Originally Posted by bambamsprint
i have 3.0 and the quickGPS its not working, have a massege that need to be reinstaled
Yes, multiple apps have broken links. Looking into it now.