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Old 05-20-2009, 10:02 PM
MikeElGiga23's Avatar
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 for Sprint in June

what i dont get here is.... that a lot of people complain that the performance in the current devices suck.... (Diamond, Pro, Mogul, etc.)

QTV this....
Driver issue that.....
GFX performance sucks......
Videos look crappy....
lag here...lag there.....

all due to the crippled chipsets because HTC is too cheap to buy the Qualcomm QTV licenses to the extent that a lot of people say that they wont buy a Qualcomm device again or that they will bring a lawsuit or some BS like that due to it only getting worse

But looks like HTC has done it again, they packaged up a slick looking device that its main update is a bigger screen (more resources so more power consumed BTW be warned) with the same specs and processor as the touch pro which most of you say that performed like s#!t and got everybody to still drool over it like they forgot about all the issues they had already and looks like this wont be any better because its basically the same thing with a different housing.......

Now, im not against anyone getting the new Pro2 (im thinking of getting it too but rather get the Palm Pre.... we will see how it goes)

But a lot of pple are acting like this is our savior when it comes to a all around device and soon we will see all the same complaint threads as we did when the touch pro launched