Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
TTM, i had the same error message as well. I finally got it to work after doing a few things. don't which if any fixed the problem but give it a try.
1. i installed USB drivers from the VZ red CD which came with the phone.
2. after 1 above, i sync'd the phone (powered on)with activesync.
3. with phone still connected, i changed Activesync settings per the instructions
4.with phone still on, i changed phone settings re Media per the instructions.
5. with phone still connected, I then powered it off.
6. ran UMDL, selected file, hit 'detect' and off it went.
above was only thing i could think of to try to get the phone drivers loaded into computer RAM before running the UMDL. worked for me after several failed attempts.