Guys try this out for Mighty 5 beta. It adds favorites (kind of a speed dial) as a plugin to the front page.
Thought I might as well add these....I found on another site....
COffice By JukEboXAuDiO [All Resolutions?]
"COffice is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to your Microsoft Office tools quickly and easily.
Office tools include: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Powerpoint, Microsoft Office OneNote and Microsoft Office Communicator......"
CTwitter By JukEboXAuDiO [WVGA, VGA]
"CTwitter is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to open your TweetDeck for Mobile devices using PockeTwit.
You can also Update your status using this program....."
CFacebook By JukEboXAuDiO TS3
"Facebook is a Titanium plugin which allows you to continue your Facebook Addiction using Facebook Mobile and Facebook Instant Messenger....."
Titanium System Panel by dgaud007 [QVGA]
"1. Shows RAM, STORAGE and SD CARD free available memory.
2. Updated every 10 seconds.
3. CAB Installation. (Thanks to AppStar for the Plugin Installer and showaco for CHome Editor!)....."
Favorite People Plugin by AppStar [All Resolutions]
"This plug-in allows you to add your favorite contacts to the WM 6.5 CHome (aka Titanium) homescreen....."
Twitter Panel By derekwilkinson [QVGA]
"I have created a Twitter Panel for Titanium. It links to a quick status update and a list of updates.
It uses PockeTwit (
I don't know how to distrubute it... but I have info from the Titanium_240x320.cpr and registry....."
Titanium Weather By Mnemonique [QVGA, WQVGA]
"Weather info on your todayscreen. QVGA and Omnia......"
Titanium Weather (and more) by showaco [All Resolutions]
"Cab will install weather plugin to homescreen. Install to main memory.
Radar--press "Refresh" to redownload an image, tap screen to zoom in, 3 levels of zoom(none, 200%,300%), fullscreen,
first radar image displays in weather panel of homescreen......"
Opera panel & TitaniumWeather for 6.5 21501 by showaco [WVGA]
"Here's a new panel for testing. I added a mortscript to handle the import of your bookmarks from opera 9.5.
I don't know if it works with all versions of opera or not. The script reads the opera6.adr file located in \Windows\Opera9 folder to get bookmark list.
It launches links by calling on opera at \Windows\OperaL.exe. Test it out, and I can add more features if it works...... "
Analog Clock by rpereira [In development]
"You heard that right, fully functional, skinable analog clock coming soon to a post near you (actually, this very same thread)....."
Titanium Artesea Twitter by artesea [In development] NEW!
"Having self taught myself MortScript in the last 24 hours I've decided to try and create a Titanium Twitter app.
Unlike those already there, this one actually displays the 10 most recent tweets from your friends...."
Titanium Quick Launcher by gullum [VGA, QVGA] NEW!
"maybe it's wrong to lable this as an APP anyway this adds a program launcher tab to the titanium...!"