Re: Any hope of GPS unlock for Verizon Omnia?
New to this site, but found it and have read this entire thread trying to determine how to enable my Omnia's GPS. I was unaware it was disabled until I tried to use a golf GPS program this afternoon and got no GPS updates. I have switched the GPS setting to location on (instead of 911 only) and downloaded google maps to help test. Google maps gave the "no GPS detected" report with auto config set, but wtih manual config to comm8 and 57600 baud it searches for satellites for about 5 mins then says "weak signal." I do have very weak signal strength in and around my house, so i will try again elsewhere, but could this mean the gps has been enabled somehow? I have not done anything to change the ROM from the factory version, just found it curious that with manual settings it "appears" to be enabled. Thoughts?